Sunday, February 28, 2010

Holy Water

I have decided that on occasion I will interrupt my regularly scheduled program of topics to share something that the Spirit of the Lord has recently revealed to me and given me inspiration. Such was the case earlier this week as I had one of those rare nights in which I was barely able to sleep. I have found in the past that when this happens, the Lord seems to either have planned it or at least takes advantage of the opportunity to speak to me.

Before I tell you what He spoke and revealed to me that evening, I need to give you a little history.

The religion of my youth was basically a weekly visit to a large, ornately gilded and hush quiet cathedral to go through a ritualistic routine of which was neither enlightening nor inspiring. Upon arriving, just inside the entrance was a small bowl of “holy water” that had been “blessed” by one of the “priests” of which we were to dip a finger and then with it, touch our forehead, belly, and then the left and right breast. This was called making the sign of the cross. It was just one of those things that you did without much thought and which did nothing for you. Religious tradition. Vain ritualistic repetition.

As time went on, I saw the ridiculousness of all of that, and eventually, having read through the entire Bible, discovered that there was no such thing as holy water. Then, just a few days ago, in the middle of the night God showed me otherwise.

His speaking began with a verse from the Bible, First Corinthians 12:13. Actually, it was just the last phrase which says, “All were given to drink of one Spirit.” After that, it seemed like the heavens were opened, like the flood gates were released, and I was being caught up with and submerged in an outpouring of the truth concerning holy water.

“We were all given to drink one Spirit.” Jesus told a women that “whoever drinks of the water that He will give shall by no means thirst forever” (John 4:14). What kind of water was this? He called it living water and told her that all she had to do was ask for it (John 4:10). Then later on in chapter seven, Jesus, on the last day of a great feast stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink,” and that “whoever believes in Him would have rivers of living water flowing out of his innermost being.” Wow! Then He explained, “This He said concerning the Spirit” (John 7:37-39).
The Spirit! The living water is the Spirit! This Spirit has been given for drinking! And what kind of Spirit is this? The Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the living water. The Spirit is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the HOLY WATER!

The Lord’s speaking did not stop there. He had something more He wanted to show me.

In Revelation chapter 21 verses 2, 9, and 10, John is shown the bride of Christ. According to the symbolic nature of this book, His bride is seen as a holy city. Back in chapter 19 verse 7, the bride had made herself ready for her marriage with Christ, the Lamb of God. How did she make herself ready? How did she become this holy bride? The answer is found in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 26 and 27.

The church is the bride of Christ of whom He loves and for whom He died that He might sanctify her; make her holy, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word. He plans to present her to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish. How is she made holy? She is made holy by the Holy Spirit, by the living water in the word, by drinking the holy water.

The Lord’s speaking that night ended with this phrase from First Peter 1:2: “the sanctification of the Spirit.” Sanctification is of the Spirit! It is only the Holy Spirit that can make us holy. We have all been given to drink of this one Holy Spirit, this Holy Water. According to the book of John, all we have to do is come to Jesus believing in Him and ask for this holy living water. The more we come, the more we believe, the more we ask, the more we will find ourselves enjoying and being refreshed by this wonderful LIVING HOLY SPIRIT WATER and becoming holy as He is holy to one day be presented to Him as His holy bride.

I wanted to jump out of bed and share this with everyone. So, this is my attempt to do so. I hope you will be both enlightened and inspired to become a regular drinker of this true, genuine, living, holy water.

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